
How To Repair A Metal Septic Tank Lid

A septic tank lid is the uppermost portion of the sewage tank. This lid needs to be removed every few years in social club to empty the tank. Depending on the size of the tank, a homeowner volition demand to have the septic tank emptied every 3 to five years.

It is important non to let the tank go besides total, start to dorsum upwards into the house, or overflow out of the lid. This causes astringent damage to the tank. Removing the lid is an piece of cake job that tin be washed before the pumping service gets at that place or when you want to bank check content levels.

Step 1 - Locate Septic Tank

septic tank

If you have just purchased a domicile, or are having the septic tank pumped out for the first fourth dimension you will demand to locate the tank itself. Depending on the size of your lot, and the type of ground you are on (sand, ledge, clay) the tank can exist just about anywhere. Information technology should exist stated in your property deed where the tank is located, but it may be judge. At that place are three surefire ways to find the tank, simply they do crave time.

Use a metal detector to detect the septic tank. Most tanks today are made out of concrete cloth, simply they have metal rebar in them. With the employ of a metal detector yous tin can go to the estimate location and start searching. Once you lot find the tank, information technology is a matter of digging to find the lid.

Use a metal pole to poke into the globe to locate the tank. This can exist time consuming if the property deed is not right. Simply poke the metal pole into the earth virtually 12 to 14 inches. In one case you strike something solid keep in the expanse to determine that it is the tank.

You tin also follow the drain pipe that comes from your home. However, this method entails excavation upward your yard to follow the pipe to the tank.

Stride two - Dig Up Septic Tank Hat

open septic tank

After you lot have found the septic tank, you can begin the process of excavation upwards the lid. Use a shovel to excavate the ground around the tank until you lot detect the hat. Information technology volition be apartment against the tank with a small seam around it. Dig the ground to create at least 16 inches of clearance on all sides of the lid. It is also recommended that you slope the land as you dig down to the lid so that the gravel will not autumn back in.

Step 3 - Pry Off Septic Tank Hat

Depending on the size of the septic tank, the hat can be quite heavy. It is a solid slice of physical that is apartment on all sides. It may have a handle to pull on. The bulk of septic tank lids volition require a pry bar to elevator them out of their seating. Set the prybar in the seam and printing down. As the lid lifts out of the hole, take someone move information technology to the side. Set the lid on the surface of the ground out of the mode of the pumping vehicle.

How To Repair A Metal Septic Tank Lid,


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