
How Do I Repair Mole Holes

Moles: while some people think they look cute, they can crusade severe damage to your backyard and landscaping.

Moles construct intricate networks of tunnels and mounds in the basis and quickly kill or harm the plants, grass, and trees in your outdoor space.

If you want to reclaim your g, the merely solution is to acquire how to get rid of moles.

Don't worry – information technology is possible to figure out how to get rid of moles humanely.

Here at Smith'south Pest Management, our squad has helped thousands of customers throughout the San Francisco Bay Surface area reduce mole populations and enjoy their landscaping once more than through our mole control services.

In this mail, we'll share our top tips for getting rid of moles.

Let's dive in.

First Things Starting time – What Are Moles?

a mole poking up out of a burrow in a lawn

Moles are pocket-sized burrowing animals that many people believe are related to mice or rats. While moles and mice look somewhat similar (they're both small-scale and furry), they're very unlike creatures.

While rats and mice are rodents, moles are mammals that spend nigh of their lives underground, earthworks burrows.

Here'southward how the National Wildlife Foundation (NWF) describes them:

Their eyes are poorly adult, simply what they lack in sight, they make upwardly for in their sense of touch. All moles have very sensitive snouts and long, clawed digits that they use to dig tunnels. The 22 tentacle-like protrusions on the star-nosed mole'south snout are six times more sensitive to touch than a human hand.

Rather than having fur that lays apartment and points toward the tail similar most mammals, eastern moles have dense fur that sticks direct up. This prevents soil from condign trapped in their coats when they support through a tunnel. Male person moles are usually bigger than females, although most species don't exceed 10 inches in length.

Moles are very efficient diggers. In fact, eastern moles (one of the most common mole species in the U.S.) can hollow out a 160-foot burrow in a single night.

Contrary to popular belief, moles don't consume the roots of plants and trees, although they do tunnel around and beneath them.

In reality, moles are insectivores, and they brand tunnels to locate the worms and other insects that live in the soil around plants.

Did y'all know that in small numbers, moles can be benign for landscaping?  They aid aerate the soil and eliminate excess populations of harmful insects.


When yous have too many moles affecting your landscaping, though, it's time to act.

How To Identify Mole Impairment In Your Yard & Garden

mole hills damaging a lawn

While mole damage may seem similar to the harm caused by voles, mice, or rodents, there are some key differentiators.

Here are a iv signs to look for:

1. Dead Grass

As we mentioned in a previous blog on the topic, patches of expressionless grass are a expert indication that you have a mole problem.

Every bit moles make their tunnels, they disrupt the root systems of nearby grasses, killing the grass at surface level and leaving dead patches in their wake.

ii. Molehills

Accept you e'er heard the saying, "making a mountain out of a molehill?"

When moles dig their tunnels, they human activity like mini excavators, moving all that dirt out of the tunnel and upwards to the surface, creating a telltale, mounded molehill at the tunnel entrance.

iii. Mounds That Are Far Apart

Moles aren't the simply creatures that make entrance and leave mounds.

Gophers do something similar.

However, the difference is that gopher mounds are close together, while molehills tend to be about six feet autonomously.

iv. Chunks Of Clay

When gophers dig in your 1000, they pulverize the soil into a smooth powder.

Moles, on the other paw, dig the world up in chunks.

Equally yous evaluate the mounds in your g, wait for clumps of soil, which is a cinch sign of moles.

If yous're wondering whether y'all have moles in your landscaping, it's equally important to know whatnonto look for.

Since moles are insectivores, they don't chew plants or root systems. Instead, they eat earthworms, grubs, and centipedes.

If you notice gnaw marks on your garden plants or vegetables, it's probable that voles or mice are responsible – not moles.

What Attracts Moles To Your Yard?

white grubs in dirt that feed moles

Moles live their unabridged lives in their tunnels, and then they're more probable to frequent areas that offer the ideal habitat for feeding, breeding, and burrowing.

Here are a three environmental factors that moles dearest:

one. Lots Of Insects

Moles swallow a lot of bugs. In fact, the NWF reports that many species eat upward to 100% of their body weight in insects each mean solar day.

Their diet consists of earthworms, white grubs, beetles, and larvae. Moles volition construct elaborate burrows in areas where these insects are arable.

ii. Absurd Temperatures

Reverse to popular belief, moles are not blind or nocturnal. They're active throughout the day and prefer moist, absurd soil that helps them regulate their temperature.

3. Landscaping Elements

The primary runways moles construct tend to follow sure landscaping elements, like fence rows, paths, or other human-made borders.

They may also popular up along a line of hedges or another protected area. Moles volition too couch under shrubs and trees to locate the insects that alive in their root systems.

Wherever moles gear up upward shop, food is the primary motivator—because of this, controlling their food sources is ane of the most effective means to command the mole populations.

6 Abode Remedies to Get Rid of Moles

And so, y'all've got a mole problem, and you want to reclaim your m. Hither's how to go rid of moles humanely:

1. Eliminate Their Food Sources

Moles love grubs. When y'all eliminate the grubs and other insects in your yard, the moles volition relocate in search of better food sources.

We recommend decision-making grub populations by using beneficial nematodes or milky spore to kill grubs. If you desire faster results, utilize an insecticide instead.

Pros: Humane, easy

Cons: Moles may start to rely on other food sources and insect species instead.

two. Apply A Repellent

In some cases, a mole repellent is an effective solution for an infestation. For example, castor oil volition not impale moles, just it will cause digestive upset for the moles that come up into contact with it – making your backyard a less appealing place to live.

Make your own bootleg mole repellent with this recipe:

  • Three parts brush oil
  • I part dish soap

Mix 4 tablespoons of this mixture in a gallon of water and use information technology to soak the tunnels and entrances in your yard.

You lot can likewise buy repellants in liquid or granule class and employ them to your yard via a spreader. Be certain to follow all label directions advisedly if you cull this option.

Pros: Rubber, humane, rubber for pets and kids

Cons: must be re-applied regularly

3. Use Plants As A Barrier

mole repellant daffodils in a garden

Moles dislike plants with potent smells, such equally daffodils, marigolds, and annihilation in the allium family.

Plant these species effectually the edges of your garden to form a natural bulwark or establish in raised beds to protect root systems. If yous adopt, yous can also purchase ready-made mole barriers at your local garden shop.

Pros: Safe, humane, beautiful addition to your lawn and garden

Cons: Time-consuming, requires ongoing maintenance

4. Dig A Trench

To form a human-made purlieus around your lawn and garden, dig a trench that is roughly 2 anxiety deep and six inches broad around the infinite y'all'd like to protect.

Fill the trench with rocks or line it with wire mesh or hardware cloth with holes ¾ broad or smaller. This is a fourth dimension-consuming but effective, long-term solution to keep moles from burrowing their way into your g.

Pros: Effective and invisible, once finished

Cons: Time-consuming, hard, disrupts sod and turf

5. Create An Unfriendly Surround

Moles don't similar to alive in disruptive areas. This is adept news for you since it means getting rid of them tin can be as piece of cake equally creating an unpleasant environment.

To do this, buy a sonic spike from your local domicile and garden store and insert information technology into the ground in your garden. This spike will use electronic pulses to create irritating sounds that encourage the moles to go elsewhere.

Don't worry, though – you won't be able to hear or feel the electronic pulses.

Pros: Like shooting fish in a barrel, affordable

Cons: May not be equally constructive as other solutions

6. Keep Your Lawn Tidy

lawnmower mowing lawn to deter moles

Moles feel safest nether cover. Because of this, eliminating their shelter is a great mode to encourage them to go elsewhere.

Keep your grass mowed and your garden beds manicured. Avert using thick layers of mulch to cover beds and remove all stacks of wood or piles of organic debris.

You may also desire to cutting back on watering since backlog moisture attracts insects and creates an platonic habitat for moles.

Pros: Creates a beautiful lawn and garden environment and can be effective

Cons: Fourth dimension-consuming, may non be effective to reduce severe mole infestations

How Practise Rodent Control Professionals Get Rid Of Moles In Your Yard?

professional mole control service technician looking for moles

If DIY is not your fashion, you may want to phone call in a professional person mole control team like Smith'southward. Cheers to their professional tools and tactics, these teams are better equipped to effectively deal with severe mole infestations.

If getting rid of moles humanely is important to you lot, you can opt for no-kill methods that will drastically reduce your mole populations and restore your thou to its old glory.

Here are a few tactics our team here at Smith's Pest Management uses:

ane. Mole Trapping

Trapping is a sure-fire way to get rid of moles.

The Smith'southward team will inspect your thousand, place the most active mole runways, and place traps accordingly.

This option reduces your existing mole problem, and when y'all opt to participate in our annual mole command program, information technology tin forbid moles from coming back in the future.

Since moles get very agile in the winter when soil moistens up, good mole control is best done with trapping or Talpirid worms.

2. Chow Control

Eliminate the moles' food source – eliminate the moles!

Smith's provides comprehensive grub control services for holding owners with excess insect populations. Because nosotros apply a granular lawn handling, this pick is fast, easy, and straightforward.

three. Exclusion

A pop, humane, no-impale method of mole command, exclusion relies on techniques that brand information technology difficult for moles to enter your yard.

Gopher baskets and gopher wire can be specially useful. While Smith'south does not provide mole exclusion services, the team tin can advise you on the methods that may work for you.

iv. Annual Mole Control

It'southward hard to get rid of moles forever. That's why nosotros recommend participating in our annual mole control programme.

We'll return to your holding each year and help accost and eliminate ongoing or recurring mole problems.

This is the almost effective style to maintain a healthy, light-green lawn for years to come.

Professionals like Smith'southward Pest Management know how to get rid of persistent moles that keep coming dorsum to your lawn.

Dealing With Moles In The San Francisco Bay Expanse? We're Here To Assist!

Smith's Pest Management helps residential and commercial properties in Northern California reduce, control, and eliminate their mole problems.

Smith's also works with parks and large facilities to eradicate moles in an eco-witting mode.

Contact us to asking a complimentary mole control quote today!

How Do I Repair Mole Holes,


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