
Samsung Refrigerator Repair Broken Drawer Roller With ?

Most one appliance warranty and a few months ago we bought a new Samsung fridge. We had a bit of an odd-sized space, and the particular Samsung model nosotros purchased was one of the few French door styled fridges that would fit in our kitchen without major modifications. The Samsung fridge went in easily, fit nicely, and other than a few peculiar mechanical noises it likes to make periodically, has been serving us well. Until, that is, we started noticing water building upwardly in our crisper drawers (as well known as your fruit and vegetable drawers). At first, we thought things just got a trivial too humid in there. Perhaps some of the fruit got frisky with the veggies? It soon became credible there was a more serious problem going on. While this little appliance repair adventure isn't for anybody, if yous take a Samsung refrigerator that's been more than humid than a muggy summer night in Miami, this how to repair water in your crisper drawers article and accompanying video is definitely worth checking out and MIGHT save you a costly appliance repair call.

how to repair water in your crisper drawer
Not only did our crisper drawers fill up with h2o, just water even collected underneath them.

Water was not only filling the bottom of our Samsung refrigerator's crisper drawers, but there was even h2o pooling up in the bottom of the refrigerator, under the drawers. It didn't accept long for information technology to go out of hand. We had picayune islands of produce increasingly surrounded by rising waters. Fifty-fifty afterwards pouring out the water and drying everything out, somehow the water kept coming. Then naturally, rather than calling an appliance repair company similar virtually sane people might do, I instead turned to Google, determined to see if I could DIY repair my style out of this veggie and fruit drowning catastrophe. We had lost too many strawberries on my watch, it was fourth dimension to take action!

What I establish in my enquiry was that I was not the only one to have this problem. After watching multiple videos and reading tutorials, I found most of them glossed over some parts of the repair and others spent too much time detailing more obvious parts of the procedure. My promise is that y'all'll detect both the video and written footstep-by-step on how to repair water in your crisper drawers to be clear, concise and helpful. A few things before nosotros start. . .

samsung refrigerator repair tools
A few of our supplies ready to go.

This article and accompanying video presume you are reasonably handy. It also may non work for all "water in your crisper drawers" scenarios, or fifty-fifty for different brands of refrigerators. I went into this repair assuming at that place was a decent adventure I'd interruption something then have to shamefully phone call an apparatus repair person anyway. Luckily that didn't happen, merely it might on your repair adventure. If you have all the bones essentials beneath, you might luck out like I did and consummate the repair for a whopping $half dozen office.

I would recommend you lookout the video below first. However, considering I might take missed a thing or two in the video, I would encourage you to likewise read the step-past-step how to repair water in your crisper drawers in the article below. Earlier we dive into the video, here is a quick list of tools and supplies you'll need:

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Portable Light (Optional but helpful). We used the Milwaukee Rover.
  • Turkey Baster
  • Pilus Dryer
  • Hot Water
  • Wire Snips to Cut the Old Evaporator Clip Off
  • New Evaporator Clip (link later)
  • A Cooler and Water ice
  • An Andean Flute (OK, y'all don't actually need this, although the music might help you stay calm)

Now that yous're geared upward and set to go, let's dive into the video segment of this repair.

How To Repair a Samsung Refrigerator With Water In the Crisper Drawers – Step by Footstep Video

OK Samsung fridge repair expert, permit's walk through the details below. Information technology's every bit easy every bit ane, two . . . five.

Pace i – Unplug and Then Empty Your Refrigerator

First and foremost, unplug your refrigerator. You lot practice not want to be tinkering with information technology while there is notwithstanding ability running to it. Unfortunately, this next role can be expensive, emptying your fridge. Ideally, I'd recommend buying a petty ice and loading up all your perishables in a cooler or two. I made the risky choice of leaving the freezer closed and full. I reasoned it was well-insulated and already had a bunch of ice in it, and I hoped my repair would be swift. In my example it worked out, but if yous're worried nigh losing perishable food, I would recommend stowing information technology temporarily in a cooler, or in a tolerant neighbor's fridge / freezer (practiced luck with that)! In one case the refrigerator was empty, I removed all of the shelves and drawers and put them somewhere out of the way.

Shelving removed and shedding a little light on the state of affairs. . .

Step 2 – Remove the Panel

This function is 1 of the most challenging. If y'all accept the same problem I did, chances are adept the back panel is frozen solid to the cooling fins behind it. Some people advised that you lot simply let the refrigerator sit overnight and allow all that ice melt naturally. These people probably do not intendance about cold nutrient as much every bit we practice. Since I had places to get and people to see, I opted for the expedited technique which involves a hair dryer. Yep, this might be the get-go time we treated a hairdryer as a "tool" on Habitation Fixated. Don't judge! Without overheating the plastic, I used the dryer's low setting to accident warm air on and around the panel. Eventually I could get a trivial play effectually the edge and pull some of the edge out to let more warm air to be directed behind the panel. Finally, subsequently almost all the ice melted, the panel just popped loose. Don't rush this process as the console is frail and has styrofoam on the back. You'll and then want to remove the couple wire bundles fastened at the top left.

The plugs at the back of the console

Stride iii – It'southward All About the Bas(ter)

Next upwards, heat upwards some water and use your turkey baster to squirt a little in the icy drip area. After a short time, suck upwardly the now cold water, discard it, and so apply more hot h2o. Continue doing this until somewhen you'll be able to hear that the water tin can flow all the way through. I was a piddling concerned I wouldn't know when I had actually melted through the ice, just as long as you're paying attention it'south pretty obvious. The principal clue is you'll go from the h2o level staying at however much you lot put in, to the h2o actually flowing.

Once the panel was off, I used the hairdryer to carefully melt the remaining visible water ice.
1 of the culprits, melted loose.
I used hot water added and so sucked up to cook my way through the ice that was plugging upwardly the evaporator drain line.

Stride 4 – Clippity Snip Snip

Now that you've ended the involuntary ice-age in your drain line, it'due south time to replace that tiny drain evaporator clip that came stock on your Samsung refrigerator with the more beefy version from Samsung. I found the Samsung Clip Drain Evaporator REF OEM Original Role: DA61-06796A replacement role on Amazon for around $6. To remove the onetime clip, I surgically cut the prune with some small wire snips and then pulled it off the larger heating element it's attached to.

Carefully cut the old clip
and then remove the former prune, existence cautious to avoid damaging the heating element.

Putting on the new evaporator clip is ridiculously easy (well, at this point it is). But loop the clip over the meridian of the heating element, making sure the long part extends into the centre of the drain hole. Then, just wrap the ii aluminum extension on each side around the heating element to secure information technology. The effects are like cranking up global CO2 levels on a fjord – no more ice!

new samsung evaporator drain clip installed
The new evaporator bleed clip successfully installed!

Pace 5 – Picking Upwards the Pieces

Phew! Now that you (hopefully) successfully tackled that repair, it's time to put all the pieces back together. Start, advisedly connect upwardly the ii wiring harnesses/plugs that ran to the interior console. Carefully clip the back panel back into the dorsum of your fridge interior, making sure yous line-up the screw holes. One time everything is clipped dorsum in, re-insert the screws to secure the panel and encompass the centre hole with the decorative cap if applicable. Re-install your shelves. Plug your refrigerator dorsum in for power and pray y'all didn't damage anything new in your repair procedure. Once you lot know things are hopefully fully functional over again, then it's time to catch your food from the cooler and get it dorsum into the fridge pronto!

Fixing Your Fridge When You lot Discover Water in The Crisper Drawers – DI WHY?!

You've answered how to repair water in your crisper drawer of your Samsung fridge and at present you may be wondering why this repair was ever needed in the first place. I institute myself wondering that too. With so many people running into the aforementioned trouble with diverse models of Samsung refrigerators (if yous accept any doubts just visit YouTube or read the 200+ reviews on the evaporator clip on Amazon), it's pretty clear to me this was a design flaw. While I understand that sometimes a design flaw makes it through to product, it's my humble opinion that when information technology does, it'southward upward to the manufacturer to step upwards and readily assist consumers with resolving the problem. Cease of rant.

If you've had the same misfortune nosotros have with your refrigerator, we hope this how-to gives you the info you need to get information technology resolved, whether you tackle the repair or y'all go out that to a pro. It has been over six months since I did this Samsung refrigerator repair and our fruits and veggies in the crisper drawer accept remained high and dry! My triumphant repair provided me with at least several seconds of admiration from my wife. I also scored several "awesome hubby points" which are redeemable for. . . admittedly nothing. Even so, every time I pull out one of the crisper drawers, I grinning with the cognition I prevented countless vegetables and fruits from meeting an early watery grave.

Editors Update – 2022

Later feedback from 10'south of thousands of youtube views and many comments, I would like to add:
1) Our initial gear up as shown in the video and detailed in the commodity above lasted for YEARS.
two) When we ran into the issue again years later on (ane crisper drawer started to get h2o in it again), the first thing I checked are the drain tubes at the dorsum of the refrigerator. Several commenters take reported those tubes at the bottom back of the refrigerator (y'all'll have to roll your refrigerator out), can get clogged and cause the same crisper drawer h2o issue. I checked ours and they were articulate.
three) I then adjusted the fridge temp 2 degrees warmer and after about a week, nosotros were back to normal and no longer having problems with water in the crisper drawers again.

Samsung Drain Evaporator Clip for around $6:

Buy Now - via Amazon

Samsung Refrigerator Repair Broken Drawer Roller With ?,


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